Creamy Basil Casserole

Creamy Basil Casserole

Steak, chunked to bite sized pieces (enough for 2 - 3 people)
1 Red onion
1 White onion
3 garlic cloves
4-5 tablespoons of whipping cream
2 tsp of pesto
200mls gravy


  1. Pre-heat oven to 200oC.
  2. Brown the steak chunks in a little olive oil. I used Olive Oil infused with basil to add extra flavour. When meat is ready transfer to an ovenproof casserole dish. I left the meat a bit red on the inside to avoid it getting chewy in the oven.
  3. Cut the onion into large chunks and add to the frying pan. Finely chop the garlic and add that. Brown the onion chunks, keep stirring to avoid them burning. Add the gravy, I just used instant but any will do.
  4. Bring the mixture to a simmer and then add the cream. Stir in well.
  5. Add the pesto and ensure it is thoroughly mixed.
  6. Tranfer the onion mixture into the casserole dish and mix in the meat. Put the lid on then put into the oven for 45 - 60 mins. Stir occassionally to avoid the top of your casserole drying out.
  7. Serve. I served with home grown runner beans and a baked potato.

Hey! I'd love to know if people are using my recipes!! If you are leave a wee comment on the recipes post! Also, why not head back and let me know how you got on!!?


Review to come -

Is It Just Me Or Is Everything Just S**t?

Is It Just Me Or Is Everything Just S**t?

Paperback: 368 pages

Publisher: Sphere

Language: English


A comical look at the British Society.

A very easy read with several laugh out loud moments and loads of 'That is so true!!' moments!!

Definately recommend to anyone who wants a bit of giggle, with a more sophisticated edge!!!

Good Read:


Loose Girl - Kerry Cohen

Loose Girl

Paperback: 304 pages

Publisher: Ebury Press

Language: English


Another book picked up as a holiday read. It tells the sory of a young girl stuggling to be accepted by, well... anyone and believes that turning to sex is the only way.

The story and language makes this a very easy and fast read. A surface view could see this book as quite shallow and without much story. However, I found that you had to look deeper to try and see beyond what was written to what the character was trying get out. The story of an insecure girl desperate to be loved and cared for, but without the resources or social training to achieve this. Grabbing at anything she can with both hands..

Good Read:


Labyrinth - Kate Mosse


Paperback: 720 pages

Publisher: Orion

Language: English

Author: Kate Mosse


This book was great, I just couldn't put it down!! I picked it up in the Glasgow Airport outlet of WH Smith as a holiday read. It tells the story of the holy grail but in two different times. The stories run parallel to one another throughout the book but avoid confusion through some great story telling!

The two women Alice and Alias, both have a journey to take in order to protect the Grail from those that would use it for evil. Both women are unaware of their task or its importance, at the outset, but soon it becomes apparent how vital their success is.

This book easily rivals The Da Vinci Code in its exploration of the history and myth surrounding the Grail. The stories are fast moving keeping the reader captivated and eager to read on.

Descriptions of the areas in the stories are even accompanied by a 'Grail Walk' photos and descriptions of each of the places visited in the stories with even the option of doing the walk yourself, should you find yourself in the area!!!

Loved this book:
