Once you have prepared your culinary Masterpiece you are going to need to cook it, now what dish depends on the Dish! Obviously things like cakes will need baking tins, muffins and cup cakes their appropriate trays and pies and puddings deeper ceramic dishes. Take a look at the basics below and decide what you will need...
Baking tray come in all shapes and sizes, I would recommend buying two as they come in handy not only for baking cookies and biscuits but also standing dishes upon to make it easier to put them in and out of the oven.
Baking Tin
Baking tins come in a HUGE arrange of sizes and shapes. The most basic are round or square and it is one of these that I recommend you buy. In terms of size, go mid way, maybe a 17cm, to get you started then decide whether you want to go bigger or smaller. Again, as with all the products the amount you spend is entirely up to yourself and the style you buy is also your own choice. If you want a bit more of an advanced look at baking tins check out my guide: Baking Tins - Big Sides No Bottoms?
Muffin and Cupcake Trays
There is less choice in these items, but as with everything, there is still a choice! I recommend keeping it simple and just going for ones like those in the picture: metal. The muffin tin is the larger of the two.
Cooling Rack
Get yourself a nice cooling rack - you'll be glad you did. These are not expensive and pretty straight forward in thier choice.
Frying Pans
All shapes and sizes. Stainless steel or non-stick. Removable handle or not. I reccommend for the beginner a mid-range size, non stick frying pan. It will do for everything and be able to cope with all sorts of quantities.
As with the frying pans these come in a range of features but once again the beginner would be best suited to a mid range pan, non-stick.
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