After a great night's sleep, awoken only 2 or 3 times as the engines came on and we left port, around 5am, we awoke and headed to the resturant for our breakfast, little did we know at that time that the people we sat with on that morning would become tour buddies and treasure hunt helpers over the course of the next 7 days. We were at our table with a honeymoon couple Jeff and Emily and another couple who were returning once again to Egypt for another cruise, Ron and Deliah.
After breakfast we headed upstairs to see what the commotion above was all about. It seemed
that we had come to a stop, we found it was because we were currently queuing to pass through the Esna dam. The noise was from the hundreds of vendors in boats who had rowed out from the shore as we arrived and were trying to sell things. Bear in mind that where we stood, on the sun deck, was three floors up and these guys were in minute rowing boats. They were hurling the stuff up on the deck and we were supposed to throw the money back down. It was incredible how 'in harm's way' these guys put themselves! Almost being crushed by the cruisers as they tried to get their sales in before the two huge ships came together.
We waited a good hour before we were able to go up through the dam and then it was just a short trip to Esna where we docked breifly to get supplies, apparently. We were then off again sailing up stream to Edfu where we docked for the night. We enjoyed a ridiculously huge dinner and went up on deck in the evening. Next to the ship was a stall, the owner of which was desperate to sell, to the point that he was trying to get us to come down by shouting up at us. We didn't venture out but some did and before they even made it off the gang-plank they were set upon by about 4 vendors who had 'nice stuff'!
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