Shoes, Shoes, Come On!! Where's All The Shoes!!

Okay, the wedding is in ummm four days and I have only just got my shoes! Suddenly remembered that,

'Duh! I need something on my feet!!!'

I am just not a shoe person, I don't go gooey over shoes, they are for keeping your feet dry, that's all, and I find them such a hastle to buy as well! Try them on, feet the wrong shape, try on another pair, looks great but too small, don't have it in your size, have it three sizes too big, will that do? Ah No! Almost as bad as clothes shopping. There's an instant way to make yourself feel fat!! Clothes shopping! Anyway, I digress...

We were going into Glasgow anyway for some last minute shopping for the Honeymoon so I thought,

'Fine, Glasgow LOADS of shoe shops'

And this is true, there are loads of shoe shops, just no shoes in them!!!

In the end Next came to the rescue with some wonderful shoes, not too expensive and in my size!!


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