I was SO nervous in the car on the way to the castle!! We hadn't booked anything special vehicle wise but dad dressed up as a chauffeur to drive myself and Jess there! I was fine when we were having our hair and make-up done but at any point when I had to just sit and wait, I got really scared!! The little flower girls looked wonderful and seemed to really like being dressed up!! So did the bridesmaids!
I saw my bouquet for the first time about 20 minutes before I had to leave and it was beautiful, my little 'putting-my-foot-down' moment was worth it, the Black Baccara roses were gorgeous!! We did in the end have a piper to pipe us in and out of the "church" but we decided that he wouldn't lead the prosession but stand up, behind the minister at the top of the "aisle". This meant that he wasn't overly imposing and gave the guests an opportunity to watch him! Great for the English and Welsh family! I was nearly in tears as I walked up to meet David, I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to get any words out, or that I would start crying right in the middle of it all, but I managed to hold it together.

Afterwards it was like being famous for a day, every moment that we stopped this wall of flashes and clicks started up!! Our photographer was excellent and we fully recommend her (Ally Stuart) she took great formal, but not-so-formal shots of everyone and really captured the day!!
We got a short time to enjoy the gardens while Ally took the photographs and our videographer captured all the action live!! The guests were loving it, there was croquet on the lawn and some games for the kids. They went off exploring and chatted together. A slight blip in that we thought we had till 4.30pm (ceromony at 2) for all the photos but the venue thought it was only until 3.45pm. But I pushed for the photos, I felt that they were an important part of it and wanted some good ones. Alos, it was such a nice day that I felt it was nice for the guests to enjoy the weather and the whole 'being outside' experience, that was afterall why we choose this venue!!

The reception hall looked fabulous, exactly how I had wanted it, nice, very understated. I had always wanted to go with elegant rather than extravagant!! The food was a big hit with all the guests, many of whom were off for seconds (and thirds??!) We also had a buffet in the middle of the evening, leftovers (lol) and stovies! As well as a chance for some of the cake. For the meal itself my choices of dessert went down a storm (I'm pretty chuffed about that! I'm glad I got the choice right!!) We had Creme Brulee but with a difference - chocolate sauce and raspberries hidden at the bottom of the dish!! And a White Cocolate and Raspberry Cheesecake (See the unintentional theme!!). The cheese cake is something that I make myself - get the recipe here -
Cheesecake Recipe
The band was as we expected, brilliant, and everyone enjoyed themselves, even getting up for a huge Grand Old Duke of York and a rendition of The Music Man with actions!! Our flowergirl Kayleigh made sure everyone was entertained and dancing by collecting them all and taking them the dancefloor. We got some toys and colouring for the children too and as it was a nice night we had bubbles they could go off into the gardens and enjoy!
We stayed the night in the castle, in a huge room overlooking the lake. The bathroom was huge with a massive free standing bath and massive shower. You needed to pack a lunch to walk from one side to the other!!
Next moring it was a full English or continental breakfast in the castle's dining room before heading off. We took our marriage paperwork to the registrar to get it sorted and then back to mum's for an afternoon BBQ where I had a better opportunity to speak to our guests more informally!! Discovered, from one of my dad's cousin's, that her son had just got married and was currently at the exact resort in the Maldives that we were heading too!! Basically we would pass each other in the airport!!
This was more than we could have ever hoped for - the perfect wedding!! I will get an online album ASAP of the photos so everyone can have a peek!
Photography by Ally Stuart Photography
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